Sunday, 26 February 2012

Loved and Lost......

I started a painting some time ago of my finance's sisters, first posted HERE.....

The youngest sister in the painting was sadly lost to the family at a very young age.As a mother myself I couldn't begin to know how that must feel for the family and especially to a mother. This is most certainly one of the reasons reasons I needed to paint this photo so much and wanted to finish this as a present for the older sister in the painting, it was a special birthday for her, her 65th.

 The nose shadow on the elder sister on the previous painting was still giving me trouble. I had washed this back, which is something I almost never do, and hate doing, it just wasn't happening. 

I decided to get out a fresh clean piece of paper and start again......


There are parts I still like on the first painting, but overall I was so much happier with this one...  The nose still gave me problems though. It was an old black & white photo with little detail. On this version I deliberately played down the shadow on that area, this way it would be less noticeable, and works better for it I think. 


Anonymous said...

felicidades, bellísimas obras.

Studio at the Farm said...

Stephie, you did a wonderful job. It is a beautiful portrait!!!

Wendy Mould AFCA said...

Looks good, I think your solution was a great one. The girls look so full of life. I am sure she will enjoy the picture.


beautiful work

Ingrid Ormestad said...

I'm sure your fiance's sister was overjoyed to receive this incredible gift. Beautiful painting! :)


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