Tuesday, 16 March 2010

After The Masters....Sir William Russell Flint....

One of my favourite artists has always been Sir William Russell Flint..Especially the paintings of his ladies......For class we had to choose a painting and copy it.... So I chose "Cecilia Reading"

I couldn't get to grips with the gridding stuff he wanted us to use to get an exact copy, so I did a very quick sketch for guidelines, hence it's far from perfect as a copy

..Lost a few areas on the way, but on the whole I was pleased with it in the end...and it was fun to try

Don't have PS at the moment on this laptop, but this isn't too far from the colours IRL...

1/2 Sheet.... Arches 140lb.... W/N paints....


Crystal Cook said...

What a lovely, fresh painting! And I gotta say, I'm not such a huge fan of grids either. I love the life that quick sketches give. I do measure my drawings, the sight size way, and sometimes I use plumb lines, because I do think accuracy is important if that's the kind of look you're going for. It looks like it was fun :)

Ann Buckner said...

This is lovely - love the way you painted it,

Melissa Fischer said...

You did such a great job on this, Stephie! Your colors are light and clear and I love the way it fades out on the edges.

I've never been able to use grids, either, except when I took a mechanical drawing class. It takes all the life out of a drawing or painting, IMO, because it breaks the painting up into component pieces rather than viewing it as a whole with an essence or message that is more than just the mechanics of how to paint it.

JRonson said...

So inoccent and beautiful, like a capture on the right momment :)

Stephie Butler said...

Hi Crystal, thanks so much for looking in and leaving a comment....I totally agree and that's I how usually work too.

I very often don't sketch at all, especially flowers as I find it a bit restricting, but I'm still not good enough to do that with portraits or figures yet, they definitely need to be more accurate.

Stephie Butler said...

Thanks so much Ann.....

Stephie Butler said...

Thanks Melissa...I do so agree. The less lines or pencil work the better. I was trained as a draughtswoman so don't find it difficult at all, just not one for painting between the lines..but then we all have different styles....

Stephie Butler said...

JR....Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment... Really appreciate it.

Art with Liz said...

This is lovely!

Katrinshine said...

Very tender painting!

Christiane Kingsley said...

Stephie, this is so lovely, fresh and spontaneous. You did a remarkable job with the shading in the skirt. You always seem to achieve so much in just a few brushstrokes that capture all that is essential in a scene.


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