Monday 23 May 2011

The first wash......

After a few initial sketches I drew it onto Watercolour paper, trying to have as least pencil work as possible. There was still things I wasn't to sure on but had drawn it so went on with it, if it didn't work it would still help on colour knowledge for the next one.

I often change the way I paint portraits, depending on my subject, how I want the finished piece to work, and even sometimes just the way I feel at the time. I knew I didn't want this one to be quite so loose as I normally work, I also wanted to try and keep that old fashioned look to it, so chose my colours differently....I went with Raw Sienna instead of my preferred choice of Aureolin, Permanent Rose, Colbalt Blue, and Cerulaean Blue

This is just the 1st wash, unfortunately the light had gone and the colours are a little washed out here....

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