Thursday, 14 April 2011

Another one that started as a sketch...

It was the eye of the horse that really caught my attention so just picked up my brush and started from there with no preliminary drawing, which is why the length of the head isn't quite as it should be I was getting so carried away playing the the water and pigment that I lost concentration on the overall proportions I'm really loving playing with red lately and can't resist dropping some in somewhere in most of my work, looks gorgeous dropped wet into Indigo...

A closer view of the eye area...

I've now drawn this out larger, would be interested in suggestions for naming it


Maria's Watercolor said...

This is beautiful, always find the eye painting to be a challenge, and it is the key to a horse painting! You have captured it perfectly.

Studio at the Farm said...

How about "Pensive"? I am amazed you paint such a wonderful piece without first drawing! it could be a quarter horse - they tend to have shorter, blockier heads and bodies.

Jane said...

Beautiful work, I love your looseness, and I agree is a must. I don't think I ever made a painting without red!

Billie Crain said...

Love the horse, love the red, Stephie. It looks like a proper horse to me but what do I know. It looks fresh and spontaneous.

Sandra Busby said...

Utter gorgeousness!!!

Stephie Butler said...

Thanks so much Maria..I think the eye is the key to any painting, animal or human.

Stephie Butler said...

Kathryn..thank you so much...I like that title, will keep it in mind..

As for no pencil, not as difficult as it sounds, and it doesn't restrict you so much....if you can draw with a pencil, you can draw with your brush,try'll be surprised.

Stephie Butler said...

Thanks so much Jane... I'm getting to that stage with red as well, also Cer Blue....funny how we go through spats of colour....

Stephie Butler said...

Many thanks Billie... I think it's what your used to , I've only ever painted one other give me a cat and I now the features inside out, having 5 of them helps:D

Stephie Butler said...

Thanks so much Sandra.... I'm in the middle of a couple of paintings, and it's amazing how dropping in here and reading all these lovely comments inspires me.. said...

Stephie I like the color combo in this painting and to start with the eye, incredible.

Wendy Mould AFCA said...

I love your picture. You really captured a wonderful moment with that horse. I am afraid I enjoyed the painting so much I didn't really notice anything wrong with the proportions, it totally works for me!

Crystal Cook said...

Just stunning Stephie! One of my favorites. :) I love how juicy and fresh your washes are. Amazing.

Stephie Butler said...

Nora, so sorry i'm behind in keeping up again, thanks so much.

I always start with the part that captured my attention to paint it.

Stephie Butler said...

Thanks Wendy..Really appreciate you stopping by, and so glad you like it...

Stephie Butler said...

Crystal, thank you so much for stopping by.....


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